Using augmented reality to calm patients who are getting ready for surgery.

Researchers from the University of Miami who specialize in medicine and computer science have discovered that utilizing augmented reality (AR) to guide patients through a surgical procedure lowers anxiety. Prior to an orthopedic treatment, the team fitted patients with AR equipment in their trial, which was published in JAMA Network Open, and compared their anxiety […]

Paytm Increases Spending To Create An Autonomous AI Stack

Paytm founder and CEO Vijay Shekhar Sharma made a persuasive case for artificial intelligence (AI), stating that the finance giant is trying to develop a full-fledged artificial general intelligence (AGI) stack.  AI models that can complete tasks on their own to achieve goals without human intervention are referred to as AGI. Sharma stated that the […]

Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Tools for Code Generation in 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing significantly in the constantly changing field of software development, especially in the area of code production. AI tools are transforming how programmers write, improve, and maintain their code, increasing productivity and efficiency. Here are the top five AI tools for code generation that are advancing the field as we move […]

The Growing Role of Augmented Reality in the Development of Mobile Apps

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have both experienced rapid growth and are about to go viral. Since many mobile app development businesses now include AR and VR in their products, there is a growing need for AR app creation. Businesses in a number of sectors, including healthcare, media & entertainment, and eCommerce, now […]