Using IoT to Automate City Scooters

Using IoT to automate urban scooters
While public micromobility options are increasingly popular, typical GPS systems do not have proper geofencing to ensure safe navigation and parking of scooters. As a result, mobility operators are increasingly adapting technology similar to the driver assistance systems (ADAS) found in cars to meet city regulations and ensure their products receive permits – specifically addressing the concerns of electric scooter riders crashing into pedestrians.

The AI ​​Drover offers an example of this technology with a camera and computing system to monitor and analyze the rider’s environment, issuing checks to the scooter rider to keep roads safe and prevent accidents. Park and ride on sidewalks.

The PathPilot system will give the rider a warning if they are speeding and can even slow their journey to a stop if it detects they are driving on pavement.

Funds raised in the last investment round are to go into the last iteration of the system; PathPilot Lite, which the company says is more integrated, better and cheaper. Through PathPilot, Drover AI also collects a large amount of data about traffic patterns and rider behavior; data with potential use cases to inform decisions about urban infrastructure, such as the location of bike lanes.

The company has already shown interest from city councils and transport companies including Transport for London as well as insurance companies focusing on traffic incidents. While the potential use cases for this data are varied, this is a longer-term plan, with the company primarily focused on rolling out its ADAS solution to various mobility groups in cities around the world before further expanding the use of the data.