We are in the midst of the Generative AI revolution, which has the potential to spark a wave of technological and societal upheaval. The global economy is expected to grow by $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually just from Large Language Models (LLMs). Take into account the ongoing Jugalbandi Chatbot pilot in rural India (powered by ChatGPT) as an illustration of their potential influence. In order to fulfill its promise of acting as a universal translator, Jugalbandi will accept questions in regional languages, find responses from English-language sources, and then deliver the results to users in their own language. This service alone has the power to democratize information access and enhance the financial security of millions of individuals. And there are hundreds of new services being developed in addition to this one.

However, this AI revolution also entails threats in addition to advantageous achievements. The most significant issue is that artificial intelligence-powered tools are allowing malicious actors to develop online artificial people that can impersonate real people in speech, text, and video. Bad actors may misrepresent themselves or others and may unleash a variety of new problems, including lies and deception, fraud, hate speech, public humiliation, and security breaches.