The Metaverse’s Role In Education’s Future.

Technology is transforming every part of our life, including education, at an unprecedented rate. In recent years, the idea of the metaverse, a virtual, interconnected universe, has attracted a lot of attention. We will look at how the metaverse might transform education in this essay, as well as what the future might hold for students, […]

BT opens a testbed for the creation of XR.

The testbed is supported by private networks and 5G equipment from BT’s EE mobile division. At its brand-new testbed, the BT Group will start creating and testing extended reality (XR) apps with an emphasis on immersive experiences for work, home, health, and entertainment. According to Andy Gower, head of BT’s Immersive Content & Comms Research, […]

ARU Peterborough will build an extended reality center worth millions of pounds to provide industrial training.

The university in Peterborough will construct a multi-million dollar high-tech extended reality center that will imitate challenging workplaces for training. On the ground floor of ARU Peterborough’s Innovation and Research Centre, construction on an eXtended Reality Peterborough (XRP) is already underway. At the university’s site off Bishop’s Road, it will provide cutting-edge teaching and training […]

Investigating the confluence of virtual reality and real estate investment.

Real estate investing and virtual reality (VR) are combining to create a world of possibilities where both industries stand to benefit from immersive technology’s transformative potential. Real estate investing’s future is being shaped in large part by virtual reality, which has totally changed how properties are found, assessed, and imagined. VR has permanently altered the […]

Virtual reality business perspective.

Virtual reality experts in BELFAST After experiencing a year of explosive growth, Immersonal is preparing a significant corporate restructure. The business was founded two years ago as a sister company of Sentireal, a pioneer in software development for virtual and augmented reality in the UK. Additionally, as they grow their teams to fulfill demand from […]

Technology Advances in Extended Reality.

Extended reality (XR) technology is developing quickly and has a wide range of uses in the gaming, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors. XR encompasses both virtual reality (VR), which generates completely immersive computer-generated worlds, and augmented reality (AR), which adds digital aspects to the actual world. Researchers working on cutting-edge solutions are investigating the possibilities of […]

Global Summit Immerse 2023 to Bring Enterprise XR Leaders Together.

The 2023 edition of the Immerse Global Summit (IGS) will get underway between October 17 and October 23 in Orlando, Florida. The MetaCentre and Synapse are co-hosting the annual event with assistance from the VRAR Association. IGS 2023 is beginning operations after ten years as part of the Metacenter Global Week, a conference featuring the […]