The Vision Pro shocked the world. The AR market is alive again after years of stagnation, Samsung is hurrying to develop a rival, and a variety of people are going nuts over the Vision Pro’s outrageous $3,500 price tag.

Now, Apple isn’t exactly the kind of firm that… Become embroiled in this kind of unfavorable commentary. This time, though, that might not be the case because there have been rumors that Apple is looking for a less expensive way to purchase displays.

The asking price may seem absurd, but as we previously stated, the Vision Pro is essentially worth what it costs. But does that imply that you’ll get value for your money? In all honesty, it depends on how and how often you intend to use the headset, but I’m getting off topic.

With the Vision Pro’s many health advantages and extra-crisp visual capabilities, Apple appears to be looking to China to locate a supply chain that provides the same quality displays at a lower cost.

We also don’t know if this is a direct result of that incident when, upon learning the Vision Pro’s pricing for the first time, the internet collectively went insane. But I believe it’s safe to conclude that it did affect the situation, if only little.

The only thing that really matters in this situation is whether Apple can locate an other supplier who can provide the same number, at a lower cost, and with the same quality as the Sony products that are already in use. And we’ll be sure to let you know as soon as we learn anything about that.