In preparation for the next fall semester, Augusta University recently held a series of professor and staff discussions on the subject of artificial intelligence (AI). These discussions aimed to encourage instructors and allay any concerns they might have about integrating AI in the classroom.

Dr. James Garner, Associate Director of the Pamplin College’s Center for Writing Excellence, underlined the significance of solving issues raised by the development of AI technology, particularly chat bots that produce written responses. While AI offers new opportunities for educators, there are drawbacks as well.

To address these concerns, Augusta University held three live seminars for teachers to learn about AI and its uses in the classroom. The sessions included roundtable conversations with professors from diverse academic disciplines and subjects like the proper use of AI in writing education and using ChatGPT to build course materials.

Garner emphasized the advantages of chat bots for students, namely how they may give an overview of broad subjects. It is important to stress that chatbots shouldn’t be your only source of information, though. AI can help teachers manage monotonous chores like preparing syllabi and arrange lessons. To use it well and build upon, though, takes expertise.

Garner highlighted his enthusiasm for the idea of employing artificial intelligence to produce writing samples for students to use as practice and to hone their writing abilities. He also discussed employing AI to educate various writing genres. But he underlined the importance of being transparent when utilizing AI in the classroom and making sure that pupils are aware of its purpose.

Garner emphasized that in order to use chatbots properly, one must think about biases and possible false information as well as ask the right questions. It is critical to assess whether AI is the best tool for a specific task or expertise.

The training on AI integration at Augusta University has generally gotten excellent responses. Professors have expressed appreciation for the help and direction given, showing that they are ready to integrate AI into their teaching strategies.