Exploring Innovations in Image Signal Processors: The Power of Vision

The power of vision is a force to be reckoned with in the field of technology. It is what is causing the image signal processors (ISPs), a crucial part of digital imaging technology, to advance so quickly. ISPs silently operate behind the scenes to transform raw data into high-quality photographs and videos, and they are […]

when an ex-pharmacist pursues a career in game design

AHMEDABAD: Spandan Biswas, 23, is a pharmacy graduate, but this year he enrolled in a full term at the National Institute of Design (NID) after initially visiting a gaming design studio due to his passion in the arts and design. “I wanted to use my talents to produce something beneficial to society. Additionally, creativity is […]

AI Analysis of Motion Data in AR and VR Environments Raises Privacy Issues

In recent years, tremendous progress has been made as a result of the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). A recent study, however, contends that this combination might give rise to privacy issues. According to research, AI systems can evaluate users’ motion […]

Cyber Talk: Excessive permissions may result in data leaks and privacy violations in mobile apps due to unnecessary access requests

Our daily lives now heavily rely on mobile applications, which offer a wide range of functions. The functionality and simplicity offered by these applications frequently come at the cost of a possible privacy and personal data breach. One frequently raised worry is when certain applications request unauthorized access. Users should use caution when installing apps […]

AI watch: competing writers to aides for architects

Depending on who you ask, artificial intelligence will either save humanity or put an end to it. Whatever the case, there are fresh advancements and discoveries every week. Just a few of the recent AI-related news items are listed below: “Architects, just accept the technology!” Our critic for architecture and design, Oliver Wainwright, examines if […]

Studies Show AI Can Extract Personal Information From Motion Data of AR and VR Users

In recent years, intriguing developments have been made possible by the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). The current study, however, indicates that there might be privacy issues with this integration. In AR and VR environments, AI systems may analyze user motion […]

IBM Research has released a ground-breaking analog AI processor for effective deep learning

A ground-breaking analog AI processor from IBM Research has been disclosed, and it performs difficult computations for deep neural networks (DNNs) with astounding efficiency and precision. This innovation is a big step toward obtaining high-performance AI computation while significantly reducing energy use. It was just published in a study in Nature Electronics. Performance and energy […]

Growth Status and Outlook for the UI and UX Design Software Market for the Years 2023 to 2030 | Top Players’ Demand, Regional Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

The study on the market for UI and UX design software offers important insights into the past success and anticipated future development of the sector. It emphasizes recent developments, emerging trends, market size, share, and growth potential in various geographical regions as it focuses on the market’s present and future possibilities. The research also includes […]

Finally, the Gmail mobile apps have a translate option.

The Gmail mobile apps for Android and iOS will soon have a native translation feature from Google. You can use it to swiftly translate emails from a foreign language to the language of your choice. The function has long been accessible via the internet. If the email is in a language other than English, Gmail […]