Quiet supersonic travel technology refers to the development of aircraft that can travel faster than the speed of sound (Mach 1, approximately 767 mph or 1,235 km/h) while minimizing the disruptive sonic boom typically associated with supersonic speeds. Traditional supersonic flights, like those of the Concorde, produced a loud sonic boom when they broke the sound barrier, which caused issues in terms of noise pollution and restricted supersonic flight over land.

Quiet supersonic technology, or QueSST, is a design for a quieter supersonic aircraft that reduces the sonic boom to a “thump”
- Shockwave control The X-59’s design includes a thin, tapered nose to break up shock waves. The engine is mounted on top to prevent shockwaves from merging behind the aircraft.
- Computational fluid dynamicsComputer models are used to predict sonic boom noise and optimize the aircraft’s design.
- Cockpit displays A software system called Cockpit Interactive Sonic Boom Display Avionics (CISBoomDA) shows the location and intensity of shock waves.
X-59 aircraft
The X-59 is a research aircraft that’s part of the QueSST program. It’s designed to fly at 1.4 times the speed of sound. The X-59’s design is intended to inform future supersonic aircraft.
The QueSST program also includes research on validating prediction codes and correlating them with ground-based sonic boom acoustic data.
1.X-59 aircraft
- Thin, tapered nose: Breaks up shock waves that cause sonic booms
- Engine mounted on top: Keeps shockwaves from merging behind the aircraft
2.Computational fluid dynamics
- Used to simulate various design iterations of the X-59 aircraft
- Used to predict sonic boom noise
3.Software systems
- Cockpit Interactive Sonic Boom Display Avionics (CISBoomDA): Displays the location and intensity of shock waves
4.QueSST mission
- The X-59 is part of NASA’s Quesst mission, which seeks to survey the public’s response to quieter supersonic flight
- The X-59 is designed to reduce sonic booms to a quieter sonic “thump”
- The X-59 is intended to provide data to regulators to consider removing the current ban on commercial supersonic flight over land
1.Faster travel times (potentially halving flight durations)
2.Increased global connectivity
3.Quiet operation over land (less noise pollution)
4.Environmental benefits (if fuel efficiency improves)
5.Technological advancements in aviation
1.High costs of development and operation
2.Environmental concerns (emissions, fuel consumption)
3.Noise issues might not be fully eliminated
4.Regulatory and airspace challenges
5.Passenger comfort concerns (limited space, higher costs)
6.Infrastructure upgrades needed
- Reduce flight times: Quiet supersonic travel could reduce flight times around the world, allowing passengers to travel anywhere in the world in half the time it takes today.
- Open new commercial markets: Quiet supersonic travel could open new commercial markets for aircraft manufacturers.
- Develop new sound-based rules: Quiet supersonic travel could help regulators develop new sound-based rules to lift the ban on commercial supersonic flight over land.