Can artificial intelligence (AI) aid in the decarbonization of industry, from sensors to lower energy use in machinery to cleaner concrete? Many businesses have bet on it. To measure and lower greenhouse gas emissions in industry, certain young startups like American Watershed, German Carbme, or French Greenly are putting forward proposals.

Beyond the contentious ChatGPT, there are a plethora of AI applications, particularly to guarantee greater traceability, the key component of decarbonization. Geoffroy Petit, a subject matter expert at BearingPoint, believes AI can be crucial in this situation. “One of his contributions is his ability to reconstruct part of the data and project it to provide estimates of emissions associated with a product that are as error-free as possible,” he says.

Because indirect emissions, such as those of a company’s suppliers, are less evident than direct emissions, which can be easily seen by firms. “AI might support businesses in saying, ‘What you’re doing to decarbonize your fleet of vehicles is fine. The issue is the company’s business strategy, which depends on receiving thousands of products and storing them in unmanaged warehouses. Léo Génin, an environmental expert at BearingPoint, describes the concept of “the carbon footprint.”

An important fact considering that 92% of all emissions from European corporations examined last year were indirect emissions, according to a recent analysis by consultancy Capgemini.