Paul Doherty, president and chief executive officer of The Digit Group, recently discussed his company’s involvement in the Creativity Conference and his thoughts on the event. Additionally, he spoke on the value of creativity in the XR (Extended Reality) market and how it can be used to address problems faced by the sector.

Doherty emphasized the importance of the Creativity Conference as a venue for thought leaders and innovators to congregate and exchange ideas. He underlined the value of cooperation and knowledge exchange in advancing the XR area.

The Digit Group, which is recognized for its knowledge of smart city technology, actively participated in the conference. As a company with expertise in BIM, digital twins, and the Metaverse, they demonstrated how XR might be imaginatively applied to these fields.

Doherty asserts that the XR industry relies heavily on creativity to overcome obstacles. It requires creative problem solving and thinking beyond the box. He underlined the significance of applying XR technology to practical issues like urban planning, design, and infrastructure development by creatives.

By incorporating XR with smart city technologies, businesses may creatively use the technology. Cities can improve data visualization, urban planning, and decision-making by embracing XR. The Metaverse, digital twins, and BIM can all benefit from XR because it provides interactive simulations and immersive experiences.

In conclusion, it is important to recognize the importance of creativity in the XR industry. It is crucial for fostering innovation, addressing business issues, and realizing the full potential of XR technology. The foundation for a more immersive and connected future will be laid by collaboration, information exchange, and the innovative application of XR to areas like smart cities.