When the industry discusses the enormous prospects presented by the billions of linked IoT devices, the market’s diversity and fragmentation may be overlooked from a high-level perspective. The variety of applications—from government and utilities to logistics, architecture, agriculture, healthcare, and much more—was illustrated at last week’s annual The Things Conference 2023 in Amsterdam through both speeches from speakers and exhibitors.

What is required is a degree of device and network maturity that enables people to take use of IoT without worrying about the type of device, the sensors, or the connectivity technology they should employ. Even after overcoming that obstacle, there is still the issue of how to use the data in a way that allows it to fit into the larger enterprise management software and be useful to a company or organization.

We spoke with Wienke Giezeman, CEO and co-founder of The Things Industries, the organization that organizes The Things Conference, in this video interview to learn about his perspectives on how to approach this diverse IoT market, the success of his business and The Things Conference, as well as some of the announcements made at the conference.