Technology Advances in Extended Reality.

October 3, 2023

Extended reality (XR) technology is developing quickly and has a wide range of uses in the gaming, manufacturing, and healthcare sectors. XR encompasses both virtual reality (VR), which generates completely immersive computer-generated worlds, and augmented reality (AR), which adds digital aspects to the actual world. Researchers working on cutting-edge solutions are investigating the possibilities of XR with funding from the EU.

One initiative, TACTILITY, aims to include tactile input in virtual reality experiences. The group created a glove that mimics touch by delivering electrical pulses to implanted electrodes. Users are able to experience the feelings associated with pressing a button, manipulating objects, and sensing their shape, size, and texture. Potential uses for this technology in healthcare include using exposure treatment to cure phobias. It can also help factory workers by teaching them how to do difficult jobs and enhancing teamwork with remotely controlled robots in dangerous settings.

Weartual, a different EU-funded initiative, attempts to improve the virtual reality experience’s immersion with wearable technology. Researchers investigate how wearables like wristbands and ankle bands might be integrated into virtual environments. These devices can offer tangible feelings and real-world information, like heart rate, to enrich the virtual experience. These components allow avatars in the virtual world to blush or display other emotions, improving user expression.

The potential of XR technology is growing as technology and human bodies become increasingly intertwined.

XR technology has uses that go beyond entertainment and gaming. With expectations of a substantial increase in employment in the industry in Europe, the European Commission is aware of the potential of XR technology and seeks to promote its development.

XR technology has the potential to transform numerous sectors and improve daily living as it develops. As long as there is continual research and innovation, XR will develop and become more widely available.

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